Sunday, May 31, 2009

"WATCHMEN: Tales of the Black Freighter" - Review

Rating by Stars: *waste of time, **okay, ***recommended, ****superb

Overall: ***1/2

From director Zack Snyder and co-screenwriter Alex Tse comes the twenty-five minute animated feature that runs parallel to the "WATCHMEN" universe. A dark, gritty journey that could not be shown in the theatical release due to the running time of two hours and fourty-seven minutes. Adding this, could have made the film run closely to almost three hours. Which is why this film went straight to DVD. But due to the major success of the motion picture, the Director's Cut will be released in theaters rather than waiting for it on DVD. This version will add "The Black Freighter" and many other scenes that didn't make the final cut. Let's just hope that the audience have the patience to sit threw a three hour movie.

"Marooned" tells the story of a young mariner's journey (played by the voice of "300's" Gerard Butler) to warn his home town of the coming of the "Black Freighter" after he survives the destruction of his own ship. The sea casts the mariner on a small island with pieces of his dead crew. From there, he swears revenge on the "Black Freighter" and begins to use the bodies of his dead shipmates as a make-shift raft and sails away dispite the terrible odds against him.

Now, I know what you must be thinking, "What the hell does this have to do with the story in WATCHMEN"? Author Alan Moore and artist Dave Gibbons conceived a pirate comic because they reasoned that since the characters of "WATCHMEN" experience superheroes in real life, they probably wouldn't be at all interested in superhero comics. So Gibbons suggested the pirate theme. A comic book being read by a boy somewhere in New York City.

Even though its a cartoon, it still perfectly captures the dark atmosphere of the motion picture. This is seriously one of the most gorey cartoons I've ever seen. Meaning this film, like the movie, is definatey not for kids. If you thought the "Heavy Metal" films were bloody and graphic, this one definately blows both of them right out of the water. So if you're a fan of either the movie or the novel, check this one out. It's truely a must-see.

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