Sunday, May 31, 2009

"WATCHMEN" - Review

Rating by Stars: * Waste of time / ** Okay / *** Recommended / **** Superb

Overall: ****

From the visionary director of "300"!!! Now this catch phrase as been overly used for this movie for god knows how along now. I mean, I know "300" was a great film, but God people! The man does have a name y'know! In 2004, Zack Snyder first impressed us with the modren day spin-off of George A. Romero's "Dawn of the Dead." Then in 2007, he blew both critics and audiences minds away with the live-action adaptation of Frank Miller's, you guessed it, "300." Now in 2009, Snyder returns taking a seriously bold risk in adapting one of Alan Moore's greatest graphic novel he has ever made into film. Which ironically is considered to the film industry, unfilmable. Now does he truely deliver in this and proves the industry wrong? HELL YES!!!!!!!

The plot of the film (as same as the novel) is set in an alternate pre-apocalyptic New York City, 1985 where caped adventurers and masked vigilantes are living among us and trusted in watching over humanity. But unfornately, the mask adventuring is cut short after a congress bill re-outlaws vigilantism and forces heroes to "hang up the cape" and retreat from their "heroic" ways. But, believe it or not, that's not the main story, it begins with an old-fastioned detective story. The psychotic vigilante Rorshach investigates the brutal murder of a middle-aged man in his apartment. But only to discover the man being a retired costume adventurer and fellow member of an old superhero group known as "The Watchmen." After this discovery, one-by-one, Rorschach warns his former themmates of a possible mask killer. Someone who is set out to annihilate the world by taking the first step, distroying society's original protection. And here is where the question surfaces. If they are here to watch over us, then "Who Watches the Watchmen"? For those of you who are fans of comic book mini-series, being a fanboy of the book myself. It's safe to say that for a movie with a running time of two hours and fourty-three minutes, truely is a "PERFECT" adaptation of the novel. It follows everything from panel-after-panel. Sure there are a few scenes from the book removed, but nothing seroiusly major. What's really great about it is that Snyder manages to pull-off all six characters origins and the Minutemen history into the movie. Now that must have been extremely difficult. Everyone from the novel gets their cameo appearence. Short, but appear non the less.

Now for those of you who never read the novel are probably wondering, "So is this better than The Dark Knight"? I wouldn't say that. But I proudly say that I would definately put this one right next to "The Dark Knight." And once again for the unreaders, "they're superheroes in this movie, right"? Yes. "So is this a superhero movie"? Definately not! The film appears as superhero movie, but the plot is more strongly focused on us. The consequences of our actions as people. That's what makes both the novel and movie great. Just because you wear a costume or have superpowers, doesn't mean you're immute to society's problems. Only being a "superhero" can do nothing but bring out the very worst in you. In my opinion, it's a scary thought.

Overrall, is "WATCHMEN" for everyone? Not really. Some of you may disagree with it's idea or better yet, be down right confused. I obviously the movie because I read the book. And honestly if I didn't, I would have been a bit clueless to what's going on. But that doesn't neccessarly mean you have to read the book. I would strongly suggest to wait it out until it the director's cut hits theaters this summer. That wya you can get the whole picture. Now for the "WATCHMEN" fans out there, GO SEE IT!!! I assure you, you will not be disappointed. And if you did, see it twice!

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