Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"The Hangover" - Early Review

Rated by Stars: * Waste of Time / ** Okay / *** Recommended / **** Superb

Overall: ***1/2

The film does not yet arrive in theaters until this friday, but fortuntely, my sister and I managed to see an early screening on tuesday night at the Showplace Theater in downtown Chicago. And believe me when I say the place was jam packed for the screening. I honestly have never seen a theater so full for a comedy. And after seeing it, it was definately worth it.

Director Todd Phillips ("Road Trip" and "Old School") returns to the big screen after a four year absence (being "School for Scoundrels" his last film in 2006). Going back to what he is best known for; directing comedies about a group of frends trying to achieve a goal but some how manage to get sidetrack from the most randomist situations. "The Hangover" definately follows that Todd Phillips formula.

The plot follows Doug and his three buddies on a guy trip to Las Vegas for his last two days of freedom before getting married. As they arrive, the first step of action they take is clibing up the hotel's roof just to have a perfect view of the city. During this, they make a toast for what they assume will be the beginning of the best two days of their lives. But of course, things turn out just the opposite when the following morning they awaken and find their suite is completely thrashed. As in paying, I'd say may be over two or three thousand dollars of repair thrashed. And to top it all off, Doug is missing! So the guys have less than 48 hours to find him and bring back on time for own wedding. So think of this as a better version of "Dude, Where's My Car?" but loosing a human being instead.
I actually have no complains for this movie and I'm not going to give away any of the funny jokes or scenes here because I don't want to give the film itself away. This film, in my opinion, is the ultimate guy flick. Myself and the audience were just having a great time which is extremey rare in a movie theater nowadays. Not only it made us laugh from beginning to end, after the movie was over, we all actually stood up and applaude. It's seriously THAT good.
So once these film hits theaters tomorrow, and if you're looking for a film for you and your friends to kick back on a friday night, I highly recommend this one! Oh, and for the guys out there, may be you shouldn't bring your girlfriends along The film pretty much has like 100% guy humor. So unless she happens to like these type of films, don't take her!

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